
Brand Elements

Accent Colors

New and adjusted Accent Colors match AA level Accessibility for contrast, ensuring that visually impaired people can read a normal and large text and see graphical objects and user interface components on specifically defined dark and light backgrounds. Accent Colors are used across all Wire Digital Products. Accent Colors can be selected for individual Product Plans and used as Profile Color on the Wire app. A default Accent Color on the app and website is Blue.

Accent Colors for Light UI

RGB: 228 23 52
RGB: 151 55 175
RGB: 7 114 222
RGB: 40 125 151
RGB: 20 133 69
RGB: 124 118 33

Accent Colors for Dark UI

RGB: 252 120 135
RGB: 250 114 236
RGB: 38 189 100
RGB: 96 212 207
RGB: 53 199 99
RGB: 232 220 59

Utility Colors

Utility Colors are colors used for errors, notifications, and alerts. The red color is used for showing errors, and Blue is used for informative and neutral events, Green is used to notify about the success.

Utility Colors for Light UI

RGB: 228 23 52
Red - Error
RGB: 7 114 222
Blue - Neutral
RGB: 20 133 69
Green - Positive

Utility Colors for Dark UI

RGB: 252 120 135
Red - Error
RGB: 38 189 100
Blue - Neutral
RGB: 53 199 99
Green - Positive

Neutral Background Colors

RGB: 23 24 26
Black (Dark UI)
RGB: 52 56 59
Main Dark Gray (Dark UI)
RGB: 250 250 250
Light Gray (Light UI)
RGB: 255 255 255
White (Light UI)

Primary Neutral Font Colors

RGB: 23 24 26
Black (for Light UI)
RGB: 52 56 59
Main Dark Gray (for Light UI)
RGB: 250 250 250
Light Gray (for Dark UI)
RGB: 255 255 255
White (for Dark UI)

Additional Neutral Colors for Light UI

RGB: 73 76 79
Dark Gray 1
RGB: 105 108 110
Dark Gray 2

Additional Neutral Colors for Dark UI

RGB: 148 151 152
Light Gray 3
RGB: 190 192 193
Light Gray 2
RGB: 234 234 234
Light Gray 1